Welcome to YOUR Remembrance

Richest Blessings beautiful soul.  Welcome to Divine Remembrance.  This is a safe and sacred place where you will be accepted with love and belonging.  I am here to hold your hand as your Mentor, Sistar and Supporter, while we work together on removing the conditioned layers of fear that were brought upon you  in order to peel back into the light and peace that has always been within you.  It is my intention to understand how YOU view the world and yourself.  Each of us has a unique way of thinking and a unique way of interacting with those around us.  My goal is to allow you to feel safe, seen and heard.  You are so worthy of love.  I can't wait to connect with you and see you…..really see YOU!

(Music by the beautiful and divine St. Finnikin)

Richest blessings beautiful soul.  My name is Riri and I am so grateful for your presence here today.  I started my healing journey into my remembrance over 12 years ago.  I always felt as though I was different and didn’t belong in the world.  I felt unseen, unloved, and unworthy.  For years I lived in a state of fear, guilt, shame, depression, anxiety and complete sadness.  I believed that I was born to suffer.   From all my childhood and adolescent trauma, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness,  Fibromyalgia, which then pushed me to the edge of complete inner and outer suffering.  I was experiencing so much pain all the time, that I was in a constant state of victimization.  “Why me? Why can't I catch a break?  Will I ever be at peace?  I don’t deserve to be here.  I wish I wasn’t born." I was in a state of Victim Consciousness for so long, that I believed the story I was telling myself.  It wasn't until I had my beautiful daughter that I realized I couldn’t sustain this story or pain anymore.  I also didn’t want my daughter to go through life seeing me in such a negative light. 

For many years, I had relied on other people to do better or show me affection the way I needed to be shown, but soon discovered,  I had attachment and expectations on others that weren’t really theirs to have. This usually happens when we don’t feel whole.  And that’s OK.  Nobody ever taught me what true love really was.  Nobody sat me down and gave me the tools I needed to navigate life. I only knew what I saw, and what I saw was toxic. 

Have you ever felt that something is holding you back where you can't cross that bridge to move over to full peace and happiness?  Have you wondered why you sabotage yourself?  Have you ever questioned why you so easily feel anxious, depressed or self-critical?

I find that inside of us, there is still that inner child that needs that love and nurturing, when these feelings arise, it means that the inner child within us still has not been healed and released.  Our Inner child lives in our unconscious mind, and influences how we make choices and responds to challenges in our lives.  It is important to heal and love the little one inside you, so that you can be free from any negative emotions that arises when you are triggered.

We often go through life and are faced with lesson after lesson and don’t understand why we can't catch a break! Why all this pain? When will it ever stop?  What I know now, is that our journeys are guided for us to be of service to humanity.  My life story can be very similar to yours.  Therefore, we need to find the courage to not only heal ourselves, but then share our story so that we can allow others to feel seen, belonging and feel they are not alone. 

 Last year my heart was broken so open that I was able to heal wounds that I was carrying from childhood.  Before this experience, I never thought I would ever be happy.  I never thought I could be single and alone.  I never thought that I could be loved and I never thought I would be whole. 

Well, I am here to tell you that I am absolutely fully whole in the presence of my highest most beautiful self. I feel so loved, I feel seen and heard, I feel peaceful, happy and truly grateful.  I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to live this life and to also find the strength to heal the wounds that I was carrying for so long.  I am grateful for my tribe and the connections I have in my life.  We are all the co-creators of our own destiny.  We get to choose if we pick love or fear.  I am here, with you all telling you that you too can feel peace and happiness, you just need to face the mirror and start.  It just takes courage to make that first step!

I will be providing space for you all as a Remembrance Mentor/Sistar and Supporter.  For years I have been on my own journey practicing life visioning and healing.  I am here to hold your hand while we work together on removing the conditioned layers that were brought upon you, in order to peel back to the light that has always been within you.

This journey can sometimes feel heavy.  I promised myself after I got though my own healing, I would be there for others so that they wouldn’t have to go through it alone.  I am not here to heal you.  I am here to hold your hand and love you! Nurture you!  Provide you with the tools that helped me in my journey so that you can flourish into your own remembrance.  Individually, we hold the power of our own truth, but it is up to us to take the first step into our remembrance.  Are you ready to take the first step?  I am ready with open arms....I am just waiting for YOU ! 

For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” ~Cynthia Occelli

We must have the courage to see things as they are, not how we want them to be.

Divine Remembrance is the initiation into newfound humility, compassion and wisdom by embracing the raw devastations of the human story.   It is a passage into embracing the dark and light and all the messy truths that follow .  It allows us to open our hearts fully to be present in the fullness of life, in all its messy glory.   Avoiding it, jeopardizes our spiritual growth into remembrance.   Our hearts need to be broken so open that we activate the truths that is yet to be seen and felt.  It allows us to uncover all the things we have buried away to deal with painful truths and to fully grieve the old conditioned self.  The beauty of the broken heart is that it leads you into experiencing your true soul awakening and form a deeper connection with your highest self to find a greater sense of peace and clarity. 

I would love for you all to find the courage within yourself and do the same.  I find it is so important for us to really dig deep and clear any wounds that still remain in our subconscious.  

Sometimes, we might not ever get an apology from the people who hurt us.  Sometimes, people just don’t have the tools to do so.  I honor their journey.  What is important is taking control over our own life by practicing forgiveness.  This is why talking to our inner child is important, because we have the power to apologize and set our own inner child free.  I am really grateful that I was blessed being a mommy to the most amazing little starshine!  I was able to parent her the way I wished to be parented.  I get to see life through her eyes and have a second chance on witnessing what true love really is.

Disclaimer – I am not a doctor and I do not have a degree in psychology or claim to provide any professional advice on mental health.  My intention is to hold your hand and provide you with tools through the lessons and experiences I have witnessed, through my own remembrance.  

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